Well when did this happen and why wasn’t I consulted?
Oh, I think I was busy that night. There was this man, see, and this champagne, see, and, well . . .
I was very, very busy kissing him. Or, um ‘snogging’ as they call it in Harry Potter.
Hey, I’m married! It’s allowed.
Plus, everyone else was doing it too . . . Grant and Lizzie.
They’re getting married in April.
The newly engaged Joe and Stephanie snuck in lotsa kissing.
Dave and Katie, our wonderful hosts . . .
Alex’s hideously gaudy mask was crafted by yours truly. I warned him I was going to mess it up big time, and then I did. But there are a thousand reasons I just can’t be held responsible.
Just let me think for a couple minutes on what those reasons may be.
Oh yeah! The part where I said: “Alex, I’ll make your mask, but I refuse to be held responsible for the results!”
See? I knew I had created a loophole for myself. It’s just what I do.
Tyler and Laura are friends of ours from ye old college days. Great mask, Laura. Very even, carefully crafted rows of sequins.
It’s how I know you’ll be an excellent lawyer.
The sequins are all the proof I need.