Daily Archives: January 3, 2011

What happened at midnight

What? It’s 2011, you say?

Well when did this happen and why wasn’t I consulted?

Oh, I think I was busy that night. There was this man, see, and this champagne, see, and, well . . .

I was very, very busy kissing him. Or, um ‘snogging’ as they call it in Harry Potter.

Hey, I’m married! It’s allowed.

Or so I’m told.

Plus, everyone else was doing it too . . . Grant and Lizzie.

They’re getting married in April.

The newly engaged Joe and Stephanie snuck in lotsa kissing.

Hey guys! Great masks.

Dave and Katie, our wonderful hosts . . .

Yep. Kissing there, too.

OK, not Brad and Alex.

Alex’s hideously gaudy mask was crafted by yours truly. I warned him I was going to mess it up big time, and then I did. But there are a thousand reasons I just can’t be held responsible.

Just let me think for a couple minutes on what those reasons may be.

Oh yeah! The part where I said: “Alex, I’ll make your mask, but I refuse to be held responsible for the results!”

See? I knew I had created a loophole for myself. It’s just what I do.

Tyler and Laura are friends of ours from ye old college days. Great mask, Laura. Very even, carefully crafted rows of sequins.

It’s how I know you’ll be an excellent lawyer.

The sequins are all the proof I need.

Happy New Year everyone!