Daily Archives: January 6, 2011

PW Weekend: Cinnamon Rolls breakfast

I lied yesterday when I said the ‘food, food, food‘  installment was the next to last Pioneer Woman weekend recap post. The next to last installement is, in fact, today’s. Yes, I like taking my walks down memory lane at a deathly slow pace.

It was our last morning at the ranch. We took a couple group shots.

It had all gone so quickly! I wandered around the Lodge visiting with the kitties one last time and breathing in the clear air, the glorious sunrise, and the country silence.

We made coffee, and Ree swung by to make us cinnamon rolls before the limo showed up to carry us far, far away from the land of Oklahoma.

That sticky dough was meant to be eaten in all its forms, raw and cooked.

Ree sprinkled it with what probably amounted to 5 pounds of sugar.

That’s what I love about Ree. She’s not afraid of ingredients like butter, sugar, and heavy whipping cream. I want to be just like her when I grow up!

Then came the cinnamon, and then more sugar. Then she rolled it all up.

We all watched attentively, adoringly, knowing this was probably the last time Ree would ever personally attend to our appetites.

I couldn’t wait to dig my fork into one of these babies.

As soon as the rolls came out of the oven, Ree drizzled them with this amazing maple frosting. Then I started crying and blowing my nose. Ree, who is going to make me cinnamon rolls when I go home??

Then I remembered that my husband bakes cookies for us pretty much every week. I guess going home wasn’t going to be that bad.

In fact, I couldn’t wait to hop on that plane and snuggle the man of my dreams within an inch of his life.

Goodbye Ree and family!

Thankfully you have shared your cinnamon roll recipe with the world, so I like to think that we can maintain a small but important connection through the food we make. We have a pretty good system worked out–you post amazing recipes, and I make them. Please never stop.