Monthly Archives: March 2011

The big questions of life

Alright folks. I need your help here. See, I live in an apartment with very little storage space in the kitchen.

Thanks to my parents and a timely trip to Ikea, a butcher’s block and a metal shelf have given us a little more room to stash our kitchen loot.

But as you can see, we’re not exactly swimming in space, especially when food prep is going on. (By the way, that’s One-Skillet Pasta Quattro Formaggi in the works, recipe forthcoming.)

My spice collection alone takes up the entire top section of the grid we built to serve as our ‘pantry.’

In fact, we had to move our microwave, mugs, tea supplies and coffee maker into the dining room because there’s simply no more room in the kitchen.

I’m a firm believer in non-gadgetry. Okay, maybe a semi-firm believer. But I really don’t want to clutter up my kitchen with appliances and kitchen fad gadgets I don’t use. That’s why the lazy Susan had to go. That’s why the George Foreman had to go. I simply didn’t use them.

However, I’ve been dreaming. And this dream includes a beautiful vision of a food processor (Cuisinart or KitchenAid). I’ve been going back and forth in my mind–will I use it enough to make it worth the space? Here are the things I would probably use it for: making Thai curry pastes; making Indian curry pastes; throwing together a pie crust with a few pulses; making wet rubs to slather on meat; making tapenades; making pesto.

Now I have done almost all these things either by hand or with a combination of knives, my mortar and pestle, and my blender. But see, this one machine would do it all! And–I think–save me time.

I really don’t know. I really just don’t know. I really, really, just don’t know (Monty Python, anyone?).

So I’m reaching out to you. I know I count many amazing (and some professional) cooks among my readers and friends, so please tell me: do you own a food processor? How often do you use it? Do I need one?

I really can’t make up my mind.


Helplessly Indecisive in the Kitchen (Chicago, IL)

Girls 'n' Gowns Roadtrip

This weekend, it’s all about girls and gowns.

My friend Carrie and I are trekking down to Kentucky, where we will promptly demand our Regency ball gowns from my industrious seamstress of a sister, the Blonderrificus Totalus: Erica.

Okay, so we won’t ‘demand’ them–that doesn’t sound very nice. Instead, we will ply her with food and bribe her with drink and cater to her every need, because our beauty is in her hands. Will she flatter my bosom, or make it disappear like it tends to do? She wields power, though she may not know it.

Please click here to review the glory of these Jane Austen-style gowns. Here’s a sneak peak of a picture shamelessly stolen from Erica’s blog.

I like the blue sash the best, and the word ‘bum pad’ cracks me up so much that I think I must have one.

It will be a weekend of fittings, sewing, and trying to throw together some semblance of an outfit for my sweet spouse who probably doesn’t even know how he ever got conned into going to a Regency Ball in the first place.

A Regency what? Wait, when? Wait, I have to wear what?

It’s called a cravat, and it’s nothing to be frightened of, sweetie.

Yep. Gentlemen, take note on the unexpected sacrifices of marriage.

So this weekend: there will be delicious food. There will probably be massive amounts of popcorn. Possibly girly activities such as toenail painting. I may even bring myself to shed/shave/rip the hair from my winter legs. Think: grizzly bear after months of hibernation. I must do something about this if I ever hope to wear a skirt again.

And I can’t wait for the car ride with Carrie. There’s something about a long car ride with a girlfriend that invites confidences. Long, pleasant silences. Snacking, music, and emotional revelations are bound to take place.

So that’s where I’ll be. What are you all doing? And for the girls: when do you get your girl time in? I never seem to get enough of it.