You thought you had seen the last of Joe and Steph’s wedding pictures . . . but I had a few left that I wanted to keep together. So this is not just the last batch but the for real last batch. For real.
Plus this one, which somehow slipped through the cracks the other day.
I’ve never seen a more enthusiastically joyful bride, and this picture illustrates the level of energy that she carried throughout the entire day. And into the night as we danced under that hot tent.
Anyway, for your viewing pleasure, here is a succession of pictures showing the lovely Steph and the dashing Joe scampering off to their getaway boat as we all launched tiny plastic beach balls at them. Please watch the kid in the green shirt carefully as he scores a nice hit at the end. My hopes are that if you click as fast as you can, it will seem like a video . . . maybe?
Have a great weekend everyone!