Guys, I am so thankful that I called this blog my ‘Everything Blog.’ I’m so glad that I allow myself the freedom to blog about what I want . . . where I want, how I want.
Sometimes I start to constrain myself–I think ‘well, I’d better keep posting 1-2 recipes per week’ or ‘I’d better get some book reviews done’ or ‘if I don’t post every single weekday, the world will fall apart’–and then I remember that everything and anything is up to me, and I have the freedom to write about whatever is exciting in my world at the time. Or not write. I can neglect to post on any given day–and our globe continues to turn.
If I had called this blog ‘Jenna’s Fun Time Internet Space,’ I would feel compelled to be fun all the time. And recently I was feeling like I just didn’t want to be funny anymore. On many occasions the silliness just oozes out of me. It’s all I can do to put a stopper in it long enough to get dinner on the table without interrupting the process with 5 silly jigs, 8 silly songs, and 2 silly frolics. But recently, I haven’t been feeling quite so silly. Maybe it’s the advent of the fall–it’s a thoughtful season. It’s a season that always urges me to look back, think about the previous year, review good memories and bad, do a little self-examination. Read past journal entries with a hot mug of coffee in hand, and prepare myself for my once-a-year scrapbooking project.
So thank you for letting me be serious when I feel serious, and thoughtful when I feel thoughtful, and silly when I feel silly–and sticking with me through all my moods and musings. It keeps the ‘everything’ aspect of my little space alive and well–and reminds me that I’m free.