During our Alaska vacation, Heidi and I developed a running joke about the future teenagehood of her lil’ baby, now 8-month old James. We got no end of amusement out of envisioning him tall, lanky, and awkward, with long-ish unkempt boy-hair, sagging pants, and a hilarious long-strided walk.
Heidi was uncannily good at imitating this imaginary future James. She could snap into character at the drop of a hat. Normally her carriage is very elegant–being a ballerina and a certified Pilates instructor, her spine is ramrod straight and she moves with grace and coordination. But as soon as I said the magic words ‘teenage James,’ she would slouch, stick her neck out, and start loping across the living room. With a bored, nonchalant, kind of spacey low voice she would say “Mooooom . . . I think we’re out of Pop Tarts.”
Entire dialogues took place, with Heidi herself switching back and forth and playing the parts of a Napoleon Dynamite-esque teenage James and his imaginary mother, an optimistic, bouncy, practical woman with a high, nasal, and quite cheery voice.
The scenarios were endless, and I couldn’t stop cracking up: his mom trying to get him to clean his room, James responding with “Mooooom, I don’t have time! Jeremy’s already here. I gotta go,” and loping off. His mom signing off on his report card. His mom trying to get him to take out the trash.
I tried to get into both characters as well, but Heidi was so much funnier just handling the entire back-and-forth herself. Heidi, oh Heidi. You are one of the funniest people I know.
I laughed so hard.
Right now he’s a baby . . .
. . . but it won’t be long before he’s lookin’ more like this.

View Comments (16)
oh, sorry.
That baby is too cute.
BWAH ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hahahahahahhahahhahahaha!!! How can i drnk my coffee when you have me laughing this much? Plus, I can just see Heidi doing it all.... HYSTERICAL!!
too bad you didn't get it on video!!
Oh! That would have been fabulous. Alas! Maybe when we see Heidi next . . .
This post is so cute!! And that baby! What crazy beautiful blue eyes. Sounds like you two girls had fun!
This is hilarious! My brother and I do the same thing only he does Dad and I do Mom and we have entire conversations, saying things that TOTALLY WOULDN’T COME OUT OF THEIR MOUTHS. EVER. It’s given us endless hours of inappropriate entertainment. It’s especially fun when we do it in front of them.
I wish I could witness one of these 'episodes'--it sounds like it's not to be missed!
Ah! Jenna! How I miss you... and you are much better at teenage-James than you give yourself credit.
I gotta go.
Hahaha! You have the power to make me laugh even at a distance. You're awesome. I can't wait to see you again.
haha my husband and i make our cat come alive. it's hilarious!
i mean, alive like she's a person....
Omg! Should not have read this in a public place. I can totally picture Heidi and her shenanigans!
Next time, use the "video" function on your camera (if you have one) to record her hilariousness! I can just picture it! Bwah! Love your wondermous photoshopping skillz on baby James, too. :)
That is too hysterical. It must be such a trip to be around you and your sister!