Daily Archives: December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone! Your comments, support, encouragement, and general wonderfulness have been a present to me all year long–thank you.

I found this weird little drawing that I did a couple years ago hanging around, so I decided to toss it up here for you all. The donkey’s grin is very toothy . . . the cow is straining to get some more camera time . . . and yes, Joseph’s arms is quite long.

I hope this day finds you happy, surrounded by loved ones, covered in afghans, schmooshy pillows piled around you, very soft socks on your feet, and enjoying a hot cup of something tasty.

I’m taking next week off from blogging, so you’ll see me back around here after the New Year. Unless I (or Automated Robot Jenna) decide to randomly make an appearance, which I reserve the right to do or not do as the Yuletide moves me.

In the meantime, keep it cozy!