Daily Archives: April 24, 2012

New image for Thornfield?

So coming off a weekend of recording, I definitely want to share more in detail with you guys about our first session, which was focused on laying down basic tracks (hint: it was AWESOME. We were more productive than we ever could have imagined–we’re talking 20 basic tracks in 6 hours–crazy). There’s so much that I’ve learned about the recording process, and dangit if it wasn’t amazingly fun. But first I need to gather my thoughts and force them into something called words, and feed those words through the tubes of my mind into sentences, and then . . . yes. There will be a process, and the process will takes its due time.

But since the band is still on my mind, I thought I’d share some other band-related stuff.

My hubby snapped some pictures at the Regency Ball that just screamed . . . well, “BAND PICTURES!” In a very loud, annoying voice.

What do you think?

Should we go all Regency on you?

I think Carrie can’t help looking good in a top hat.

And by the way . . . in case you missed it . . .

I’M PREGNANT!!!! *heavy metal guitars hitting it hard, and I mean hard*/*gravelly scream from a singer of indeterminate sex*/*the drums go wild*

I know you know this.

I know I know this.

But then I remember, if you know what I mean. And those heavy metal guitars in my head start hitting it hard all over again.