Daily Archives: June 7, 2012

Guess who’s back, back again . . .

. . . Erica’s back! Tell a friend!

That’s right. On the day that I didn’t have the gumption, wherewithal, or motivation to finish up my pregnancy post (due this morning), my sister decided to start blogging again.


Now I can just send you her way!

She wrote a fabulous post about homemade sandwich bread. Tell me this doesn’t make you want to marry her straightaway.

Too bad she’s already got a full house, with a husband and two cats to feed and take care of.

So seriously–stop by and say hello! She’s funny, smart, and heavens to Betsy can this woman bake. And cook. And frolick. And decorate. I won’t even mention that she has been a model, appeared in ads (TV, billboards–the works), and even been in a movie–because I don’t want anyone hatin’ on her beautiful blond little self for being too awesome.

Oh yeah, and she has that MA in French that I almost forgot about. Will the wonders never cease? (answer = no)

Hasta mañana!