Daily Archives: July 2, 2012

Maternity photo shoot: Sarah and Tom

I had the awesome privilege of snapping some maternity pictures a few weeks ago for our old college friends, Sarah and Tom. They were already settled in Chicago when we moved here 3 years ago and it’s always fun to see them!

The funny thing is, they live on the South side of the city and we’re pretty far North, so the distance between our places (well over an hour by train, in case you were curious–maybe even approaching 90 minutes) makes it feel like we live in 2 different cities.

So anyway, I was really happy to be able to see them, take some pictures in the Edgewater/Hollywood Beach area, grab some delicious Thai food, and catch up on all things baby.

I leave you with some of my favorite shots!

(side note: do these pictures make anyone else wish they were a redhead? I’m having some serious redhead envy looking through these shots of Sarah’s luscious curls)