Daily Archives: October 8, 2012

If I disappear . . .

As my due date approaches (this Wednesday), it occurred to me that I may not be blogging the moment Alice pops out. Or even during the first week(s) of her new little life. I mean, I may feel motivated and energized and eager to post a picture or two . . . but I may not.

I have no idea how I’ll feel!

I’m an emotional wild card to my own self.

(And that’s kind of disconcerting.)

So if you suddenly find a lack of posts happening, well, you can assume I am either:

a) In labor

b) Trying to figure out the whole breastfeeding thing

c) Sleeping

d) Crying

e) b and d

Or maybe eating . . . I think eating may be important, too.

And watching Anne of Green Gables, which I ordered specifically for those early days in case I feel like sinking into a comforting childhood favorite.

And trying on my skinny jeans every single day until my butt decides to be amenable to the long-forgotten but well-loved pile of garments I like to call “pants.”

Anyway folks, it could be this week or it could be next week, or it could be the next. It’s all very . . . not up to me, type of thing.

I hope you’re all having lovely Monday mornings! Mine is about to involve a steaming cup of coffee, black. Mmmmmm.