Fat Angry Baby

Oh man.

Alice recently turned 7 months, and I decided to take some pictures of her. I took her into our bedroom, sat her in the white rocker and started snapping.

DSC_0317DSC_0317She played with her feet, she twisted around, she smiled, she cooed.

DSC_0318DSC_0318DSC_0323DSC_0323DSC_0331DSC_0331Basically, typical Alice behavior.

She even started getting a little sleepy.

And then, something started a-brewing. The first sign was that her cheeks suddenly appeared twice their normal size.

I love big cheeks, so I wasn’t complaining one bit.

And then, suddenly, Alice was no longer exactly looking like Alice. At all. In the blink of an eye, she had turned into . . .

Fat Angry Baby.

From whence she came, I don’t know.

She wasn’t even angry at the time. Or fat–though I LOVE fat babies.

If I hadn’t been the one to take these pictures and someone had shown them to me and said “look at this baby,” I would not have recognized my own daughter.

Let’s take a closer look.

I don’t know who this is . . . but I LOVE HER.

And I love her with a mustache too.

(incidentally, this isn’t the first time I’ve added hair art to a baby–it’s wildly entertaining)

Who are you, Fat Angry Baby? And can I please squeeze every bit of your squishy, angry baby body? AND CAN I PLEASE KISS YOUR CHINNY CHIN CHIN CHIN CHINNITY CHINNYCHINCHIN OVER AND OVER????

Ma’am, you’ll have to get in line and apply for a baby-squeezing permit. Demand is high and there may be an additional 90-day waiting period for chinnity-chin-chin kissers.

Okay, Fat Angry Baby. Anything for you.

And then . . .

Alice started to come back.

Fat Angry Baby was gone.

Wasn’t that a good trick, Mom? she laughed.

Wasn’t it?

Will I ever see Fat Angry Baby again?

I can only hope.

Please report directly to me with any sightings.


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