Yesterday I was having a glass of wine and reading the end of a Robin Jones Gunn novel as evening fell and rain started pattering down. It was lovely. As I read the last page and continued turning pages in the vain hope that the novel would continue past “the end,” I saw a plug for the author’s website.
“Hmmm,” I thought, “I wonder if she’s working on anything new and exciting.”
So I padded over to the computer and checked out her website.
My jaw dropped.
There’s going to be a new Christy and Todd series.
Okay, so most of you are probably like, “ok . . . so?”
But! You have no idea what Christy meant to me as a teenager. I blogged about this amazing series for teens a few years ago. I practically believed I was Christy . . . in a non-creepy mostly non-psychopathic kind of way, of course.
So the fact that there are going to be more books about her? It’s like . . . it’s like . . .
There’s nothing I can compare it to.
I’m so excited.
I tried to pre-order the book on amazon, but it looks like it’s not available yet . . . I’ll be trolling the site to order as soon as it’s humanely possible. I’ll order two. I’ll order ten!