A stocked freezer

I've been so thrilled about freezing meals in preparation for lil' Alice and the first few weeks of her life,…


If I disappear . . .

As my due date approaches (this Wednesday), it occurred to me that I may not be blogging the moment Alice pops out.…


39 Weeks

How far along: 39 weeks, completed 10/2/2012. And by the time this post is published, we are looking at a due…


Maternity photo shoot

As the one who is frequently behind the camera doing the photo shoot, I don't think I've ever been the…


Bins, bins, bins, bins, bins!

Sometimes I just break into a song. It goes "bins, bins, bins, bins, bins!" (to whatever tune comes to mind)…


38 Weeks

How far along: 38 weeks, completed 09/25/2012. Weight gain: 1 pound! Up to 151 lbs, for a total pregnancy gain…


Alice’s room: the finished version

So I know I caused many of you (including myself) great pain last week with the butt-ugly pictures of Alice's…


Our new apartment: we are settled at last!

As you know, we moved on August 17th, and I'm happy to say that we've been 100% settled since Friday…


37 Weeks

How far along: 37 weeks, completed 9/18/2012. Weight gain: I saw the midwives on Tuesday morning, and I'm up to the…


He builds! He organizes! He uses power tools!

Today I just have to say how amazing my husband has been throughout this whole moving and setting up house…
