Alice’s room: the storm before the calm

Hi guys! So as you know, our movers came and did their magic on August 17th, exactly one month ago…


36 Weeks

How far along: 36 weeks completed 9/11/2012. Just under a month until my due date! Weight gain: Well, I've been…


Wisconsin baby part-ay

I am long overdue in sharing about my weekend in Wisconsin with my sister Erica. In part, because my extended…


Ikea happened to us.

The last Wednesday in August, we went to Ikea. "We" included me and my husband, my mom, and my mother-in-law…


35 Weeks

How far along: 35 weeks completed 09/04/2012. Weight gain: I had a check-up with the midwives on Tuesday, and I…


Three crazy sisters

My mom, my aunt Jacquie and my aunt Jessie--how I love them. Sometimes me and my sisters, Erica and Heidi,…


John has flown the coop

You all may remember that my brother-in-law John spent the summer living with us. Well, as of Sunday August 19th,…


34 Weeks

How far along: 34 weeks completed 08/28/2012. Weight gain: Not sure, but I'll know next week at my appointment whether or…


The new apartment: Version 1.1 (in chaos)

Just a quick plug for this amazing local company called "The Professionals": they made this move the best and easiest…


The new apartment: Version 1.0 (Empty)

I wanted to share some pictures of the new apartment (almost) totally empty that I snapped before moving the bulk…
