Pack it up, pack it in

Our apartment, 17 days away from our move date, has become a sea of boxes. My baby made some amazing…


The big concert! It hath happened.

About a week ago, on Saturday the 21st, my band Thornfield had our big farewell concert and CD release party. And…


All He takes away

There's nothing for a couple like good couple friends. Friends who feel to drop by for dinner, call you up…


29 Weeks

How far along: 29 weeks, completed 7/24/2012. Weight gain: I had my appointment with the midwives on Monday, and the…


Sugar and Spice baby shower

Hi friends! So much to say. With my baby shower a little over a week ago and our big CD release…


28 Weeks

How far along: 28 weeks, completed 7/17/12. Weight gain: My next midwife appointment is on Monday, so I'll know then!…


Realer than real

Yes, they are not just figments of our imagination . . . . . . they are real! And they…


Thornfield CD release concert!

Well guys, after hearing my tales of our band's first experience recording, I am so, so pleased to say that…


27 Weeks

How far along: 27 weeks, completed 7/10/12--I am heretoforth officially 3 months away from my due date. Welcome to the…


White Pizza with Roma Tomatoes

Last week I was unexpectedly told I could work from home on Thursday and Friday, which was not only awesome…
