Our 1st studio session: 10 things about recording

So as you all know, Saturday April 21st my band Thornfield (joined by Petras on drums) went to the studio.…


Virtual shopping trip!

Remember how I mentioned that, after an afternoon of feeling my pants cut into my miserably bloated stomach, I decided…


16 Weeks

How far along: Week 16 completed 4/24/2012 Weight gain: Still a big ??, but I'm seeing the midwife group at…


New image for Thornfield?

So coming off a weekend of recording, I definitely want to share more in detail with you guys about our…


Dr. Evil Couch Fund yields results!

You may or may not remember this, but last summer a fund was started by Certain Concerned Citizens to raise…


Regency Ball, version 2012

Hey guys! So a few weekends ago we were in Indiana with our friends Eric and Carrie, dancing our little…


15 Weeks

How far along: Week 15 completed on 4/17/12 Weight gain: ?? Still no idea, though I'm convinced by now it…


Thornfield CD on the way!

Hi guys! So you may have noticed that it's been a looooong time since I've talked about anything music or…


14 Weeks

Two days ago saw the end of week 14, and I'm going to attempt to write regular weekly updates--with pictures! Pregnancy…


Love like roots

Last Monday was the first day of spring yoga, and as the class began, I settled into a half-lotus position: seated…
