An ode to soups

An ode to soups I like the summer very much with berries fresh and icy punch but what I miss the…


The dregs

After writing everything I wanted to about our Alaska vacation, I was left with a handful of random shots--the dregs…


The Jenninator goes healthatronic

I've been wanting to use the word 'healthatronic' more ever since I coined it one fateful, vegetarian night. And now,…


Creamy Ham and Peas Pasta, a.k.a. "Picky Eater’s Pasta"

In Alaska, I was reminded that I love simple meals. Sometimes I forget this, and am moved to crimp individual…


Lil' Mama

Happy birthday lil' Mama! So young you are, yet so wise. {said in Yoda voice} I loved you when we…


Beaching out on the last breath of summer

Last week we had unseasonably warm weather. I thought I was ready for full-on fall, with its chilliness and wind…


It's your best day!

Good morning, birthday girl! It's your best day! Somehow you went from this . . . . . . to…


Tarka Dhal (Lentils with Shallots)

I love lentils--that's no secret. However, after buying some funky colored red lentils at an Indian grocery store in Delaware,…


Acoustic Blend and new Thornfield recordings!

One of the things that I love about our church is that we enthusiastically support the Arts. We sponsor an art…


The Age of Aquarius

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the Aaaage of Aquariuuuu-uuuuuuuusss . . . Not really. It's just…
