Easy Baked Parmesan Tilapia

This TK recipe caught my eye last week, and for good reason. We'd just come off a weekend of meat:…


A couch for Dr. Evil

This is my aunt Jacquie (right), posing with my Mom on the day of her 60th birthday. She is an…


Creamed Corn

This Tasty Kitchen recipe (from this blogger) practically jumped off the page at me. As you all know very well,…


I Capture the Castle

I discovered this fantastic book through Netflix instant play, where I watched what I assumed just to be a pretty cool indie…


Band shots

I have some more shots lingering around on my computer from that photo shoot we did of the band the…


Frijoles Charros

This recipe is an old classic, taken from my teenage recipe collection. Behold the binder of my youth! My sister…


Our band manager

Oh, you didn't know that Thornfield has a band manager? Well let me introduce her. Her name is Ellie. Now where could…


Tomato Mozzarella Tart

Inspired by this tart on the fabulous blog Kayotic Kitchen, I cooked up a little variation on the original last week. And it…


A loud and goaty kind of guy

We have a new addition to our household! His face is . . . goaty. No, really. It's made of…


Props and poses

Today I'm checking out (verbally) and am just tossing out a few shots that my husband, Carrie and I took of…
