A Christmas tradition: cake for breakfast

We spent this past Christmas with my in-laws in Indiana. It was such a relaxing time--we temporarily got to push…


Coq au Riesling

I think it may have been a month since I posted my last recipe here. A month! *shivering with horror*…


A gathering of friends

My husband has this group of friends. They go back to their high school days. And when I married him,…


PW Weekend: in which we come to a close

Congratulations! You have made it to the very last PW Weekend post. You've stuck with me through thick and thin,…


January purging: 111 things in 1/11

My friend Jenny over at her blog Words on Wendhurst has started a fantastic January initiative. She emailed me last…


PW Weekend: Cinnamon Rolls breakfast

I lied yesterday when I said the 'food, food, food'  installment was the next to last Pioneer Woman weekend recap…


PW Weekend: food, food, food

Are you tired of hearing about my weekend with the Pioneer Woman yet? It's only taken me a month to…


Post holiday inertia

Good morning. I am in the grips of post-holiday inertia. There were gifts. There was food. There were parties. There…


What happened at midnight

What? It's 2011, you say? Well when did this happen and why wasn't I consulted? Oh, I think I was…


Lutgar goes wild

Happy New Years Eve everyone! As my husband and I make a trek to South Bend to celebrate with friends,…
