The source of my favorite outfits (and $20 for you to spend)

I've been posting about a lot of heavy stuff recently--and thanks to everyone for all the encouraging comments you've left.…


The smell of onions

It's Sunday evening and I'm cooking Brats and Peppers, a slightly greasy and very delicious meal that takes a while.…


The Me I Want to Be

During my week recovering from surgery, my mother-in-law Sara was a godsend. She took care of Alice, cleaned my bathrooms,…


Built on Nothing Less

As I recover from my ectopic pregnancy and the ensuing surgery, there are ups and downs. Some days I feel…


Ectopic pregnancy

On Thursday, three days ago, I had emergency surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy. Basically, that means that the fertilized…


I’m a trust fund baby

Shocked? Surprised I haven't mentioned it before? Well, okay--I'm not exactly a trust fund baby in the regular sense. My…


Breaking news: Christy and Todd continue!

Yesterday I was having a glass of wine and reading the end of a Robin Jones Gunn novel as evening…


Rummage 2014: next week!

Last year I was a derelict blogger and didn't talk at all about Rummage. Rummage! Oh Rummage. What can I…


Alice and Dada on Easter

Happy belated Easter, everyone! Today, some pictures . . . because it's been far too long since I've posted pictures…


And then, I got slapped out of my grumpfest

I had a fantasy yesterday morning. I thought there was a chance it could make sense. It involved buying a…
