My Pregnancy Story

Two blue lines                                                                                 04.03.2012


Happy Valentine’s Day dear . . . I’m pregnant!                     04.04.2012


First trimester recap!                                                                  04.09.2012


Love like roots                                                                               04.10.2012


14 Weeks                                                                                          04.12.2012


15 Weeks                                                                                          04.18.2012


16 Weeks                                                                                          04.26.2012


17 Weeks                                                                                          05.03.2012


Babies on the brain: the back story                                        05.07.2012


18 Weeks                                                                                          05.10.2012


19 Weeks                                                                                          05.17.2012


20 Weeks                                                                                          05.24.2012


The ultrasound, and what we saw                                           05.25.2012


Boys! Boobs! Other scary stuff too!                                        05.28.2012


21 Weeks                                                                                          05.31.2012


22 Weeks                                                                                          06.08.2012


23 Weeks                                                                                          06.14.2012


Our Little Wa-Wa has a name                                                    06.18.2012


24 Weeks                                                                                           06.21.2012


25 Weeks                                                                                            06.28.2012


26 Weeks                                                                                            07.05.2012


27 Weeks                                                                                           07.12.2012


28 Weeks                                                                                            07.19.2012


Sugar and Spice baby shower                                                      07.23.2012


29 Weeks                                                                                             07.26.2012


30 Weeks                                                                                            08.02.2012


Money, babies, work and God                                                     08.07.2012


31 Weeks                                                                                            08.09.2012


32 Weeks                                                                                            08.16.2012


Sweet gifts for Alice                                                                        08.21.2012


33 Weeks                                                                                             08.23.2012


34 Weeks                                                                                             08.30.2012


35 Weeks                                                                                              09.06.2012


Wisconsin baby part-ay                                                                  09.11.2012


36 Weeks                                                                                            09.13.2012


Alice’s room: the storm before the calm                                  09.17.2012


37 Weeks                                                                                            09.20.2012


Alice’s room: the finished version                                             09.25.2012


38 Weeks                                                                                           09.27.2012


Maternity photo shoot                                                                 10.02.2012


39 Weeks                                                                                           10.04.2012


If I disappear . . .                                                                             10.08.2012


A stocked freezer                                                                            10.09.2012


40 Weeks                                                                                            10.11.2012


41 Weeks                                                                                             10.17.2012


42 Weeks                                                                                             10.24.2012


Alice Esther!                                                                                      11.01.2012


155515_10151279575611550_514003610_nMy birth story: coming tomorrow                                              09.23.2013


521584_10151279575396550_1940132068_nMy birth story: Alice Esther                                                          09.24.2013


photoWhat to Expect Post-Pregnancy: the Recovery                      03.26.2014


photo 1 (4)Epidural = spa-like birth experience                                       07.06.2015


How I beat insomnia during pregnancy                              11.21.2017IMG_6494

20882375_10155501038721550_4120001595179788925_nIsaac’s Birth Story                                                                      12.11.2017

17 thoughts on “My Pregnancy Story

  1. Kelsey Flaherty

    Hello. I am really just trying to find someone to talk to I am a little lost with what my body is trying to tell me. I have been sick to my stomach most days feel like I am going to vomit, extremely tired. I have been also craving a few things, Orange Juice, Swedish Fish and also Iced tea. The first couple of items I don’t normally eat. I have also been under a lot stress recently due to family drama. I just got done doing an at-home pregnancy test and it was inconclusive. I don’t know what to do. Any suggestions on how to help me…

    1. Jenna Post author

      Hi Kelsey! Wow–I’m sorry to hear about your family drama and high stress right now. I would suggest retaking a pregnancy test if you think that might be it. If any kind of line shows up in the positive area of the test, it usually means you’re pregnant. If you want further confirmation you can always visit your doctor! Best of luck to you during this time.

  2. Anonymous user

    Hello. I am 15. My boyfriend and I have been having unprotected sex for a little over a year and a half! I’ve had pregnancy scares in the past, but the test always came out negative. Well, I am scared again! I have some symptoms of pregnancy, EX; sore throat, occasional hiccups (which I never used to get), constipation, veins extending more, etc.
    should I wait a couple months and take a test? Should I take one now? Should I not with about it because my symptoms aren’t that serious? What should I do.

    1. Jenna Post author

      Hi there,
      If I were you I’d probably take a test as soon as I could–why wait to know? I hope that everything turns out, and all the best to you.

  3. Summer

    First let me start by saying I love your blog! Im 17, & I have wanted a baby & tried for a baby for a year now. I want a baby so bad. Me & My fiancée have been trying & trying, so here’s My question or questions: Does this mean I should go to a gynecologist & see what they have to say? Or should I keep trying until I get the outcome I want?

  4. Pingback: 17 Trustworthy Pregnancy Blogs | A List Blogs

  5. Maz

    Love your blog! You have some very interesting posts and I love reading about your experiences.

    Please go have a look at my blog, I published my first post yesterday and would love any feedback / comments

  6. Katt Smith

    You’re a God send. I am 11 weeks 1 day today 🙂 and have been in the THICK of morning/afternoon/evening sickness. I found your blog during one of my many sleepiness nights and it has brought me a great deal of comfort, not to mention diverted my attention from the occasional vomited and the anxiety that we’ll go full term. This my 3rd pregnancy, the 1st two resulted in MCs :(.
    Thank you for your very detailed weekly chronicle full of humor, “realness”, wonderful pictures, husband thoughts and most importantly your love of and occasional struggles with God. My husband joked I was stalking you but I told him that’s what blogs are for. I am a better prepared for this journey I have I barked on because you have so honestly shared your story and I know God sent me to your page (out of the many pregnancy blogs out there) because you were exactly what I needed at this exact time. I can’t thanks you enough and know that I am sending you a huge virtual hug.
    P.S. KUDOS for your birthing story and post delivery post. Just knowing what to expect (the good, the bad and the ugly) gives me a certain level or peace. God is truly in control and everything will be just fine.

    1. Jenna Post author

      Oh Katt! Thank you so much for commenting. How wonderful that you’ve been able to derive so much encouragement from these posts. Pregnancy is certainly a wild and beautiful and painful and awesome journey, and I’m honored to be a part of yours. Hugs to you too!

  7. Kaylee

    Hi, Jenna. Before I dive into anything, let me tell you a little bit about me. I’m still in high school, and I moved to a new and much different town over the summer. Since then, I’ve felt really alone and distant from God, like He wasn’t talking to me, even though I was talking so much to Him. In the past couple of weeks, I’ve felt a really strong…thing. An excitement? It’s a feeling that’s very hard to describe but it’s been pulling me towards babiesbabiesbabies and thinking about family and how exciting and scary and wonderful pregnancy must be. I found your blog through your pregnancy posts, and with all the talking you do about God, I realized something. That He had directed me to your blog, and that it was He who had put that feeling inside me. It’s like He’s saying, “I know it sucks now, but when you get older, you’ll have a beautiful family, like her.” And what a touching experience it has been! So this might sound a little weird, but I felt like I needed to thank you for your uplifting posts, and just to let you know that God was working with me through you. It was really healing, I guess, to read that things could be good and happy and that married life could be something enjoyable, because that’s not what I see at my house. Through God all things are possible. This probably sounds really weird, but I just wanted to thank you, and to let you know that I’m praying hard for this pregnancy. (And your recipes are fantastic!)

  8. alexis

    Hi! Im alex, obviously my name sounds like a boy, but im a true woman:) anyway, i was looking for some blogs to gather some information about random symtoms of pregnancy. my questions is i got my menstration one week before my expexted period. my husband and i been trying to have a baby,we make love during my fertile days, when suddenly i got my period. i know that it means im not pregnant, but my bleeding stop at the 4th day which is very unusual.. then after my bleeding, i get to feel some nausea not in the morning but during day time and i feel some headaches and back pain and a little cramps. i get some dizziness. but when i take pregnancy test one day after my bleeding stop. it turns out negative. but some symptoms are still happening to me. I’m really looking forward for your reply. thank you!

    1. Jenna Post author

      Hi Alex, I would definitely go see a doctor! I’m no professional so I don’t feel like I can guess at what might or might not be happening … I’m sorry things are so confusing right now and I hope everything turns out well for you! Best of luck.

  9. Toki Tover


    I just love seeing how different every woman experiences birth. This is so amazing to read 🙂 From being so tired to the morning “all day” sickness.

    I had an IUI for my first pregnancy and same as you, I journaled the whole experience as well. You are more than welcome to share that page with your readers. I talk about the process, cost and all the way to birth. I had an emergency c-section 🙁

    May you have a happy new year!

    Mom, MD 🙂

  10. Hrelate

    Hey Jenna, I read your story and loved it. Hopefully, your story will inspire many pregnant women. Thank you for sharing your pregnancy story in such a wonderful way.


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