January-March 2011

What happened at midnight                                                   01.03.2011

Post-holiday inertia                                                                    01.04.2011

PW Weekend: food, food, food                                                01.05.2011

PW Weekend: Cinnamon Rolls breakfast                           01.06.2011

January purging: 111 things in 1/11                                      01.07.2011

 PW Weekend: in which we come to a close                       01.10.2011

A gathering of friends                                                                 01.11.2011

A Christmas tradition: cake for breakfast                         01.13.2011

January purging part 2: 111 things in 1/11                        01.14.2011

The Biltong adventure                                                               01.17.2011

Christmas at Laura’s                                                                   01.18.2011

January purging part 3: 111 things in 1/11                        01.21.2011

Chinese telegraph (a game for large groups)                   01.27.2011

January purging part 4: 111 things in 1/11                        01.28.2011    

An art show, the creative impulse, & why I blog             02.02.2011

Snow Day in Chicago                                                                  02.03.2011

And she tasted                                                                             02.09.2011

I went to Iceland                                                                        02.10.2011

Cooking class: you’re invited!                                               02.14.2011

My latest culinary failures                                                     02.16.2011

Wish you were here                                                                   02.18.2011

The spirit of 111 lives on!                                                         02.22.2011

Meant to Be                                                                                   02.23.2011

A blog and a baby                                                                       02.25.2011

 Cooking class: the prep                                                          02.28.2011

Freckles and mops of curls                                                    03.01.2011

Cooking class: the fun and the chaos                                03.02.2011

A candy drawer and a Keurig                                                03.14.2011

How not to take a cool band picture                                 03.17.2011

Girls ‘n’ Gowns Roadtrip                                                        03.18.2011

The big questions of life                                                          03.21.2011

 It’s not why I love him . . .                                                     03.24.2011

 Off to see the wizard                                                               03.25.2011

Regency spot-the-difference                                                03.31.2011