Thank you all for your lovely Christmas wishes! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and a joyful celebration of Christ’s birth. Ours involved cake for breakfast, some fierce Dominion and Blokus playing (my brother in law has become a Blokus terror) and some Harry Potter watching. A certain member of my family has now seen Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 4 times. In the theatre. That member’s identity will remain private for his or her safety. But more about all of this later, because over Thanksgiving my sister Heidi graciously allowed me to take half a million pictures of her. And if I don’t share them now, she’s going to have her baby and then it will be too late. Behind the times. Old news. And as you all know, this blog is about minute to minute live action. That’s why I’m still talking about my weekend with the Pioneer Woman a mere month after it happened. Yup. Yeppers.
Anyway, on to the good stuff. Heidi and her glowing, gorgeous self.

Her due date is coming up in the next week or so, and hence the first grandchild will enter the scene for my parents. The first nephew for me and Erica. The first snuggedyumpaggis for everyone.

Heidi and I share a similar physique, so I have asked many studied questions in order to determine what pregnancy may be like for me if I choose to engage in such an activity. Or rather . . . if I am blessed with it.
She was glowing.



And she didn’t even look pregnant from behind!

Dare I share that she has no swollen ankles or stretch marks?

I dare.

If this is what I have in store for me, I say: bring it on.
Erica goofed off in the background. This picture speaks volumes about the flavor of our sister time.

Little James is going to be one lucky little boy.

A few more pictures tomorrow . . .