Just a quick plug for this amazing local company called “The Professionals”: they made this move the best and easiest move we’ve ever made. And we’ve moved kind of a lot.
I resisted hiring movers for a long time, while my husband chipped away at my stubbornness. Finally, I wised up and gave in. I am SO glad I did.
The skinny: 3 guys showed up at our old apartment at 8:20 am on Friday the 17th. They immediately dug into our pile of boxes, which seemed to disappear into the truck downstairs faster than what I could account for. “What . . . ? Where . . .?” I asked myself as the livingroom went from full to empty in a flash.
They shrink wrapped and protected furniture with pads. They moved quickly and efficiently. Within 2 hours, the apartment was empty and they were pulling away to drive the truck to our new place. They unloaded us in 2 hours as well, and we were waving goodbye to this fabulous trio by 12:30pm. Nothing was damaged. It came to just over $400 (well under the estimate), and we had all day wide open to unpack and move stuff around.
What a great deal. I know this won’t be the case for everyone in every situation, but for us, this really beat the experience of recruiting friends to do all the hard lifting (though I love all our friends dearly), worrying about picking up and dropping off a truck (not to mention driving it in this crazy city), experiencing massive headaches over when the couch should be loaded in, strategizing about whether the bookcases should line the side of the truck or go in last, and debating about how to angle that loveseat so that it doesn’t scratch the wall. These professional movers knew exactly what to do.
I think I’m in love. I’m in love with moving. And I can’t wait to move again!
Just kidding.
But seriously, it was 100% painless.
On that note, here are some pictures from that afternoon, after the movers had driven away.

We’ve been trying to make repairs on little annoying broken things as we move them in. Moving is a great time to fix stuff that’s been lingering on the to-do list.

And check it out! Our old dresser is a perfect fit in the laundry/linens area, to store our blankets and sheets and such.

Yay for getting settled!

It’s satisfying and wonderful. This is the fun part.

More pictures will come (because by now it’s looking drastically different! Homey, organized . . . aaaaah).

In the meantime, I’ll have you know that tomorrow is our big Ikea trip, so I’ll be incommunicado all day basking in the wonder of that magical store. Wheeeee!