Tag Archives: family

A remedy for the blues

I had this picture on my sidebar for-e-ver because it brought me so much joy when I logged in to my blog in the morning and caught a glimpse of those cheeks. Then I took it off my sidebar and wept for about a week.

If you’re feeling blue, please look at this picture.

How bad can things be?

Not so bad, I say, with a face like that in the world.

I predict that this picture will reduce the future therapy bills in my life by 95%. I hope it does the same for you.

It's finally spring

After flirting with the 40s and 50s all through the month of May, Chicago seems to have finally decided that tomorrow it will be springtime–Saturday is the beginning of an 8-day stretch (according to weather.com) that will be solidly rooted in the 70s and 80s. It’s a good thing, because I turn 28 this weekend and I did NOT want to celebrate in a near-freezing drizzle.

Skirts and shorts and capris, welcome back to my life! Furry winter legs, begone!

This weekend my plans are as follows: I will be getting my very first pedicure with my friend and bandmate Carrie, going on a birthday date with my husband, dealing with the overflowing laundry baskets (before they mutate and become a monster named Shrork or a monstress named Shrorquette), shimmying over to my in-laws where the word ‘grilling’ has been mentioned, and exposing my ivory skin to as much sun as possible so that ‘ivory’ can slowly transition to ‘pasty’, and ‘pasty’ can slowly transition to a mere ‘white’.

Did I ever tell you that a few weeks ago, when I wore capri-length yoga pants to my Capoeira class at the gym, a woman pointed at my pale, pale legs and burst into laughter? Then she started speaking loudly in Polish to her group of friends, who all turned towards me and laughed their heads off too. True story.

Adios amigos! I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend!