Tag Archives: motherhood

The face I wake up to

A tiny little person . . .

. . . who may or may not be using the force in her sleep.

Jedi princess in the making?

Though if we’re honest here, her stance is more akin to the Emperor and his hand lightning thing . . . and her breathing pattern is quite Vader-esque at times . . .

I’d better have a little chat with her about the Dark Side and how it’s really not as cool as it seems.

Alice Esther!

She is here! She arrived October 25th at 11:53pm, weighing 7 lbs 1 oz. Which means that right before midnight tonight, she’ll be 1 week old.

And her arrival . . . well folks, it hurt like hell. At some point I’ll put together a birth story with all the fun stuff about what I yelled, how long I yelled it, and how I’m already terrified that a future Jenna will think “ooooh . . . I want another baby!”

No, future Jenna! It hurts real bad! Think twice! SERIOUSLY!

But Alice is so precious, you guys.

Anyway, I’ll be MIA for a while healing, resting, learning how to breastfeed, learning everything I can about this new little person, what her little noises and expressions mean, and how to be both a mother and a wife and also just a person. And if the past few days are an indicator, I’ll also be crying a lot . . . but that was always a given.

I want to be here now, not jumping ahead in my brain to Alice’s next stage, to the end of my maternity leave and how I’ll handle that, or any other future situations.

So here’s to staying in the moment.