Tag Archives: motherhood

32 Weeks

How far along: 32 weeks, completed 08/14/12.

Weight gain: Not sure, but fun detail–one of the pairs of maternity jeans that I bought on this early-pregnancy shopping trip is, um . . . too small. Like, my thighs and butt are too large to comfortably live in them.

So long, cute dark-wash cropped jeans. I didn’t realize my fatty reserves were going to render you obsolete so early in the game.


There you have it.

Clothes: I made a Target trip to find something to labor in. I wanted a nightgown type thing in really soft material, stretchy so that I can pull it up and down and all around if necessary, with no tags (I could see myself growing frantic if there was any tagalicious scratchiness while I was trying to focus on getting through a contraction, know what I mean?). After trying on the entire sleepwear section in the store, I found the perfect thing! And just in time, because I’m pretty sure I was singlehandedly keeping the dressing room staff inundated with work. The result: a short sleeveless nightgown, super soft, stretchy, the whole works . . . except for the color (bubble gum pink), but I don’t think anyone’s going to be taking my picture, so I can live with it. Especially since the only other color available was a weird minty green reminiscent of badly painted elementary school walls.

Of course, while at Target, I also browsed around beyond sleepwear and got another maternity tank, a nice stretchy jersey skirt and a couple long (though non-maternity) tops. Most of which were on clearance, in my defense . . . and our ability to do laundry AS OF NOW in our new apartment is about to free up all sorts of clothes that have been languishing in the hamper for months while I avoided the over-heated laundromat like the plague.

So give me time to do a few more loads and it will feel like I just went shopping–again.

Purchases: Besides some clothes for myself, nothing new for little Alice. But now that we’re transitioning into our new place, it will become more evident what I still need to get.

Body: I don’t feel like there’s much to say here . . . oh, except that as I was relaxing on the couch in a very unlady-like position and not extremely clad either, I realized that I could see a vein running all the way up my inner thigh. It almost looked like some dye from my jeans had rubbed off along that inner seam–but no. It’s a vein, baby. It’s kind of cool. As long as it doesn’t go varicose on me!

Sleep: It’s actually been a great week for sleep! Every time I get up to pee, I do 10-30 squats before getting back into bed, and that helps rid my legs of the antsy restlessness that could otherwise keep me tossing and turning.

Best moment(s) of the week: Hard to say, but some highlights were our next-to-last Bradley Method class on breastfeeding, realizing that the awesome temp that started at the office is going to work out perfectly, reveling with my husband in our 7 years of marriage on Monday . . . life is good.

Movement: Somersaults, body rolls, limbs pushing all about–it’s great.

Food cravings/aversions: None come to mind.

Symptoms: Besides my more-visible-than-ever veins, I can’t think of any symptoms other than feeling somewhat more tired than usual and taking stairs S-L-O-W-L-Y (and I mean slowly). And of course continuing to get up to pee 2-3 times per night.

Emotions: My friend Sarah just had her baby, Ethan William. I haven’t met the little guy in person yet, but the moment I saw the announcement on facebook, it was Waterworks Unlimited. I cried . . . and cried . . . and cried.

My brother-in-law wasn’t quite sure what to do with me.

Pregnancy really does result in a precious, tiny baby. This isn’t just some body thing that I’m going through–there is a day when it will be over, and a small creature will be snuggled in the crook of my arm.

My husband and I also watched some highlights from the Olympics online (side note: NOT the great experience that NBC promised–I think we may have to get a TV next time the Olympics are happening). But the point is, there was this commercial by P&G with the tag line “proud sponsor of moms” or something that showed a mom cheering on a gymnast. Then there’s this moment when (sniff) it shows an old snapshot of that mom holding her daughter when she was a tiny, red, scrunchy baby and . . . I cried every darn time that commercial played. Which was every time we watched a clip online.

Hopes and dreams: I basically just can’t believe that my due date is under 2 months away. When it hits me, my brain goes into happy mushland.

What I miss: Nothing this week!

What I’m looking forward to: Settling into our new place . . . more about that soon.

Husband update: I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again: I’m so glad we’re taking this Bradley Method class. As much as my husband loves to read and is an avid researcher in the realms of his schooling, he hasn’t gravitated towards reading tons about pregnancy, delivery, breastfeeding and the like on his own. I mean, if I hand him a book and say “please read this chapter–it’s important to me,” he’ll do it. But he doesn’t just pick them up in his spare time for kicks like I have done. So having this class setting where we get to learn all this information together has been, in my mind, invaluable. It’s been the perfect arena for him to gather and absorb all the information and then process it with me, and has saved me from feeling like I have to force him to read a bunch of books.

I highly recommend taking a birthing class with your partner! I wondered at first if the cost and the time commitment were going to be worth it, and at this point, the answer is clearly a huge YES for us.

Well, here’s to getting as settled as possible over the weekend–I’ll be posting pics of our new digs soon!

31 Weeks

How far along: 31 weeks completed 8/7/2012.

Weight gain: My visit with the midwives on Monday was great. I’ve gained 2 lbs in the past two weeks, so I’m at 149 now for a total weight gain of 16 lbs.

Clothes: I’m so excited about the drop in temperature that’s supposed to happen today. The words “cardigan,” “leggings,” and “sweatshirt” have me dreamin’ . . .

Purchases: No purchases, but I’ve received some lovely, lovely gifts! (One I’ll be posting pictures of next week). Also, my friend Traci allowed me to raid her attic, and I made out with a diaper pail, a snuggly wrap thingy for when Alice is in her carseat, adorable clothes, a boppy, and more. Thanks Traci!!

Body: No more heartburn (phew!) after that one occurrence, but sore ribs, and occasionally achy hips and back. I can’t complain, because the aches aren’t intense–but they’re kind of hovering there in the background.

I’ve also been really congested at night all week. I thought that was just a pregnancy thing, but throughout the day on Tuesday, as my sinus area got worse and worse and my head started pounding, I realized I was finally just sick with a bad cold–plugged up nose, light hurt my eyes, achy bones in my face, the whole nine yards. It’s a very inconvenient time to be sick since we’re a week away from moving and have a ton of other stuff going on. And who gets a cold in 90 degree weather?

Who indeed.

And just for kicks:

Sleep: It’s been the trickiest yet. At least half the nights this week, I’ve been waking up to pee around 1 or 2am and not being able to fall back asleep. For an hour. Ugh. Another woman in our Bradley birth class mentioned this exact same problem, so it appears this is in the pregnancy cards for some of us.

And what a dream I had two nights ago! I dreamed that I was watching Alice move under my belly, and suddenly her entire body was so pushed up against my skin that I could see all the contours of her face. Then, I was holding the placenta in my hands–with Alice inside–looking at it. The placenta was clear, and inside was my baby girl, and some red liquid. “That’s not enough liquid,” I thought. “I really need to drink some more water and hydrate!” I was thrilled though, because I could see her face through the transparent layers, as long as I shook the red bloody liquid to the bottom. I put the placenta on the window sill so that the light would hit it, thinking I should take a picture of her face to show my husband. “Erica!” I called to my sister, “bring me my camera!” But then, as Alice turned, her pointy nose ripped a hole in the placenta. I tried to hold it so that the liquid wouldn’t all fall out, but I couldn’t.

Then, I was rushing by myself through the corridors of a hospital-like facility (which looked like a mall). I looked down at my belly and thought, “wow, I guess I won’t have to give birth now that she’s out. I should bring her to our next Bradley class–won’t everyone be surprised!” I knew she was alive and safe somewhere, because she had certainly been big enough to survive in the outside world. But I had to find her!

I asked a doctor where she was, and he wouldn’t tell me. “But you don’t understand! I need to be skin to skin with her!” I cried. He shook his head. “But wait!” I exclaimed, “I wrote on my birth plan ‘delay all newborn procedures for 1-2 hours’ so that she wouldn’t be taken away from me! Where is she?” At this point, the doctor pulled out a file of medical paperwork and showed me her picture. To my shock, she had man-sized eyebrows, huge and furry, and lots of dark hair. My baby girl looked kind of like a man. I swallowed my disappointment and determined to make the best of it.

Best moment(s) of the week: There were a lot of good moments–hearing Alice’s heartbeat at my Monday appointment, learning more about the birthing process in our Monday night Bradley class (only two left!), feeling her little limbs push out against my belly . . . but one huge thing is: I have found a great temp! I started her this week and have about 2 months to train her. I almost didn’t realize how much this had been weighing on the back of my mind until I offered her the job and she accepted. That evening, I couldn’t stop smiling. This is a huge relief–finding someone professional, competent, kind, calm, fully bilingual–the whole works. I feel like my pathway to this maternity leave thing is now clear. I can actually see myself leaving the office in her hands.

Emotionally, it feels great.

I have to add though that this is also the hardest I’ve worked since I started this job 3 years ago. Training someone is exhausting! (Tasks that would normally take an hour suddenly take three, your throat starts aching and suddenly you realize you’ve been talking for about 5 hours straight, etc.) But I know all this effort will pay off when I go into labor and can simply walk out the door and forget about the office for three beautiful months.

Movement: Just as wonderful as ever, with the most ridiculously huge motions when I lie down at night.

Food cravings/aversions: I can’t eat a full meal these days; if I do, it’s actually painful. There’s just not as much room for food anymore, so according to the experts I’m supposed to be eating smaller meals peppered throughout the day. But I don’t want to eat smaller meals! I really like sitting down and having a real, full meal! Not overeating, mind you, but just eating my usual amount. However, the pain this causes may be an indication that I have to cave. Dole out my portions. Hrngh.

Symptoms: Sleeplessness is the main one (besides being sick–which may have been aided by an immune system that backs down during pregnancy so as not to attack the baby? or am I making that up?). Add to that being really tired and feeling the heat acutely, and it hasn’t been the most physically pleasant week.

But on the happy side, there’s a baby inside me! So all of the little bodily inconveniences are really negligible.

Emotions: Excitement about our move! And I absolutely can’t wait to get all of Alice’s things settled into her little room.

I’m also starting to feel like I really need to nail down a birth plan. And not just a birth plan about how I would want labor to go if all is smooth and normal, but one that incorporates all the logistical elements involved: pre-registering at the hospital. Calling my insurance (I have to call them after I’m admitted–if not, they won’t cover me. Ouch!). Requesting a volunteer doula when we call to say we’re on our way in. Getting an on-staff pediatrician since the pediatricians I’m going with don’t have privileges at Swedish. Making a note to request all paperwork to bring to my real pediatricians when I leave, since I’ll have to visit them a day after I’m discharged. Signing my baby up for my insurance within 30 days–I’m terrified I’ll forget. There’s a lot, and the only way to manage it is to make one friggin’ awesome master list. I love lists. Without them, my head would explode.

Hopes and dreams: According to my dream, I really, really want to see Alice’s face–and I really hope she doesn’t look like a grown man.

What I miss: Digging into a nice, big meal without running out of room. And being able to turn over in bed without waking up my poor spouse, who gets to experience a mattress  earthquake every time I feel the need to flip.

What I’m looking forward to: Having Alice’s room ready. Having a birth plan in place and a hospital bag packed. I know there’s plenty of time . . . but I’m just looking forward to that feeling of being ready which will enable me to relax a little more fully instead of mentally juggling all these things that aren’t in place yet.

Husband update: He’s pretty much in move-mode, doing the bulk of the packing and lifting and logistics. And when he’s in project mode, there’s no stopping him until it’s done!

Which will be soon.

Then I will ply him with mushy questions about our upcoming life with Alice and dream about her squishy little arms and legs out loud.

But for now, I’ll put a hold on the mush and let him focus on this next big step of getting our butts and boxes into a new space.

Though some mush happens anyway without my direct intervention. Sometimes we’ll see a particularly cute baby on the El, or on facebook (Levi!!!! Steve and Steph, you made a cute one alright!), and he’ll get a really dreamy, adorable look on his face.

And then he shakes it off and snaps back into project mode while I’m still floating in a fuzzy, pink cloud.

This moving thing–it’s kind of consuming if ya know what I mean.

Anyway, on the books for tonight: packing up my dresser and moving enough clothes for 1 week into 1 piece of luggage. Practicing for music on Sunday if I’m feeling physically up to it. And trying to rest some more to shake off this cold.

Have a great day everyone, and thanks so much for your sweet, thoughtful and encouraging comments on Tuesday’s post. Y’all are the best.