Tag Archives: motherhood

19 Weeks

How far along: 19 weeks, completed 5.15.12

Weight gain: ? I’ll know next week after my Wednesday appointment. My guess is 4 pounds. I feel much rounder around the mid-section–I think I may have experienced the Pop. It’s pretty dang visible in that bias cut dress in the pictures, and caused my husband to remark multiple times throughout the day I wore it: “You’re pregnant!” with a tone of amazement.

Right before my belly decided to appear, I had noticed (due to manhandling myself frequently) that my level of squish was definitely up.

Is that normal? Do you all grab yourselves sometimes to test your level of squish?


The point is, a few days after the increase in squish, I realized that buttoning the top button of my skinny cords was no longer the most comfortable thing in the world.

And, to top it off, a lady stomped on my foot as she was boarding the El train I was on. She looked around a minute later to see who she had stomped on, and I heard her exclaim to her group of friends “Oh no! It was a pregnant lady!”

Hee hee!

Though what’s with this ‘lady’ thing? I feel too young for that. Let’s try for ‘pregnant girl’ next time.

Clothes: Still pretty comfortable in whatever, though I have to make sure my shirts are especially long-waisted since as the day progresses and I eat food, my belly pushes out a little more. And currently the top button of my pants is unbuttoned for maximum comfort. I think the baby is living exactly where my stomach used to be, so after dinner it’s like a belly explosion. And then, then next morning . . . poof! It’s greatly reduced (though it doesn’t completely disappear like before).

Purchases: I have a lot to share with you about Rummage! I hit up the Infants/Toddlers section on pre-sale day a few minutes after it opened, and made a bee-line for the baby carriers and bedding. The stuff I found . . . I can’t wait to show you. We’re talking 50 cents for crib sheets, a few bucks for a Baby Bjorn carrier, 50 cents for a little robe with bear ears on it–and the list goes on. I love a good deal! Now I just need to go back to my registry and take out the stuff that I found . . .

Body: Feeling great! My belly still disappears to a good extent if I lie down flat, but when I’m standing there’s definitely something there. And as you all have reminded me, there’s still plenty of time to grow in the 4 3/4 remaining months.

Sleep: This week was more challenging, but not for baby-related reasons. Staying in a hotel room with a bunch of ladies from my extended family during Rummage was a blast, but I was too amped up after the long days of working and shopping and talking and laughing to get into sleepy mode.

And immediately after Rummage, after a day of work at the office, my band had booked that Thursday night session at the recording studio. The tiredness from Rummage plus the anticipation of working and recording meant that the night before, I tossed and turned until the alarm went off. Ugh! Thankfully, as soon as those high-intensity experiences came to a close, my sweet regular easy sleep pattern came right back. And just in time, because I was feeling ti-yerd.

Best moment(s) of the week: Shopping with my cousins for the Little Wa-Wa, with great advice from June and Kristen, who helped me pick some great baby books, receiving blankets, etc.

Movement: Still not a lot–every now and then (like every couple days) I feel that popping sensation, but it’s not really regular, and not always really very noticeable or distinct. I tried to get my husband to feel it a few times, but all he could sense was my pulse.

Food cravings/aversions: Clean bill of health in this area! I love food again, pretty unreservedly, and without any super strong cravings either. My addiction to fries seems to have resolved itself with no drastic interventions necessary.

Symptoms: None that come to mind . . . I feel remarkably not pregnant.

Emotions: I have a slight feeling of unreality/disbelief about this whole thing. So I just keep cruising along with regular life, knowing that at some point I’ll realize this is real, and there will actually be an infant human being in my arms this fall.

No there won’t!

Yes there will.

Well . . . we’ll see.

Hopes and dreams: With the advent of some baby purchases, I’m really looking forward to finding a new apartment and moving at the end of August so that we can start putting together a little room for this little person. Right now there’s really no place to put this stuff, especially since my brother-in-law John has moved in with us for the summer (before his senior year of college) and is occupying the 2nd bedroom (Hi John! We love you and we’re so excited to have you!).

What I miss: Nada.

What I’m looking forward to: In 6 days, it’s ultrasound time. And, assuming the baby is amenable to our goals and not yet infused with a strong sense of modesty, next week I should be able to share with you if we’re having a boy or girl. Insane. I think that seeing the baby and knowing that much more about the little guy or gal will make this feel a lot more real.

Husband update:  Not much to say here–I just can’t wait to see his reactions and emotions during and after the ultrasound.

Honestly, I feel like I haven’t really seen him this past week–between Rummage (last Monday-Wednesday), recording Thursday evening with my band, a women’s ministry event Friday night and John moving in with us Sunday, time together has been at a premium. I’m thinking a date night is due.

Love you guys! Enjoy your weekends!


18 Weeks

How far along: Week 18 completed 5/8/12

Well friends, this is a cheater update–I have spent a good part of the week up in Winnetka with my stylish and life-lovin’ grandma Mama Kitty, Aunt Jacquie, and various cousins, participating in the sweet madness that is Rummage.

Hence, I have not been at my computer in the office with oodles of time to tell you all about exactly how many tears I cried for exactly which ridiculous (and unwarranted) reasons.

(and do you see a little baby-shaped something?)

So anyway, all I have right now is pictures and a general update, which is “second verse same as the first.” Essentially, no big changes from last week.

But more details next week!

And of course, we can’t move on without the husband update picture:

He’s such a sweetie!

Love you guys, and have a great weekend! Tales of Rummage and my band’s second studio session will be forthcoming whenever I can put my fingers to the keyboard . . .