Tag Archives: salad

Honey-Lime Fruit Salad

Once upon a time, we were having some friends over for dinner. These friends happen to follow a gluten free and vegan diet. What should I serve for dessert? I wondered, since eggs, flour, milk & cream were all out (thus eliminating my dinner party stand-by Pôts de Crème). The answer to my dilemma was clear: fresh fruit! A quick search on Tasty Kitchen provided this recipe, which suited my needs perfectly.

Adorned with a little syrup made with lime juice, honey, sugar, and mint, this fruit dessert is so simple and so fresh. And as soon as the gluten-free and vegan ‘component’ is no longer present, it would also be delicious scooped over ice cream.

Let’s go!


(Serves 6-8)

10 cups fresh seasonal fruit (berries, mangoes, kiwi, peaches, etc.)
3 TBS fresh lime juice
3 TBS chopped mint leaves
3 TBS honey
3 TBS brown sugar

Chop up the mint leaves . . .

. . . and squeeze out that fresh lime juice. My lime was pretty large, so I only needed one to get the 3 TBS of juice.

Combine the lime juice, honey, sugar, and mint to form the dressing.

Whisk it until it’s all combined.

Chop up the fruit:

The chunks of mango were my favorite part.

Berries are also in season, so I loaded ‘er up with blackberries and raspberries and strawberries.

Toss the fruit with the dressing . . .

. . . and serve!

We weren’t able to finish this the first night, and after the salad had spent 2 nights in the fridge I wondered if it would still be holding up okay. The juice from the berries had tinted everything a slight reddish color, but once I got past its appearance, my taste buds swooned. After marinating for a couple days, it’s even better. Each bite of mango was full of minty lime berry juice. I could have eaten 5 pounds of the stuff.

In another life in which I have the stomach of an elephant, of course.

Anyway, it’s the perfect dessert for the summer–no oven or stove involved.

Click here for printer-friendly version: Honey-Lime Fruit Salad

Israeli Couscous with Spiced Sweet Onions

If I were a good blogger, I would be sharing an amazing recipe with you all for pumpkin pie. Or pecan pie. Or brined turkey. I mean, it’s Thanksgiving week! However, I’ve never claimed to be a ‘good blogger.’ In fact, I only recently became comfortable with even using the word ‘blogger’ in reference to myself.

It’s been rough, folks. And exciting. And weird. And wonderful. There may be no going back.

Anyway, I came across this recipe for Israeli Couscous on The Novice Chef Blog, and let me tell you–it was love at first sight. She calls it ‘Warm Couscous Salad,’ but for some reason I can’t bring myself to think of it as a salad. Thus, I renamed it, made a few modifications, served it hot, and I bring it to you today.

It is delightful. Delicious. Delectable. Devilish.

Except not devilish at all, because it’s very healthy–Wikipedia tells me that couscous is “among the healthiest grain-based products,” beating out pasta hands down.

Devilish? Healthy? I love making a statement and immediately contradicting it. It keeps everyone on their toes.

I love this as a side dish, and served it with salmon. I also love this as a main dish, topped with a couple hard boiled eggs or some fried tofu. And if you’re of the meat-needing persuasion (Dave, I’m talking to you), toss in some cubed leftover Thanksgiving turkey or ham. Hah! I totally just redeemed myself by working in the holiday at hand.

Whether main dish or side dish, I would pretty much love this concoction under any circumstance, whatever its name, and however ugly its past was. I’m an all embracing person, and I embrace this couscous dish.


(Serves 6)

2 cups Israeli couscous

2 TBS olive oil

3 large sweet onions

1/2 tsp salt

1 TBS brown sugar

1 TBS balsamic vinegar

1 tsp turmeric

1/4 tsp cayenne pepper

salt and pepper to taste

2 pints cherry tomatoes, halved or quartered

cilantro, to garnish

First, slice up your onions.

Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium high, and when hot, add the onions and 1/2 tsp of salt.

Cook for about 15 minutes, or until the onions are starting to get translucent.

In the meantime, get some salted water boiling in preparation for the couscous.

Once it boils, add the couscous and cook for about 7 minutes.

You want the couscous to feel like al dente pasta in your mouth–as soon as that happens, drain it and rinse with some cool water.

Back to the onions!

Once the onions are translucent, add the brown sugar, balsamic vinegar, turmeric, cayenne pepper, and a few more pinches of salt. I apologize for the disturbing picture. If you scroll down quickly you won’t have to look at it long.

Thankfully, no one ever said that pretty = delicious. This butt ugly sauce will soon make your taste buds sing a small anthem, and you’ll forget all about its brown gloopiness.

Stir it around and continue to cook on low heat for another 10 minutes.

See? No more brown ugly sauce. It’s magically transformed itself, and is now golden and gorgeous.

Don’t forget to add generous amounts of black pepper!

While the onions are making your house smell like a spiced paradise, quarter or halve the cherry tomatoes.

After the onions have cooked for those 10 minutes, add the cherry tomatoes and cook for 5 more minutes or until the tomatoes are heated through, but still retaining their shape.

Then ask your Nikon D5000, “why do you freak out when intense reds are in the picture? Do you really have to wig out like you do? Can’t you just balance the dang colors for me? I don’t have time for this!” Then the Nikon reminds you of all the amazing pictures not involving reds it has allowed you to take, and you make up with tears, hugs, and promises to never fight again.

I love my camera, and I can’t let our relationship stay on the rocks for more than two minutes at a time.

Adjust the seasoning to your taste.

It may seem like a lot of onions for not a lot of couscous–but don’t worry. When it comes together and you take that first bite, it will all make sense.

Combine the couscous with the onion/tomato mixture, and top it all with some cilantro.


I resurrected this clear bowl that I had originally bought to float some candles in.

Then I didn’t touch it for 4 years, and it languished beneath my popcorn bowl, ignored and weepy.

I think this bowl has now found its purpose in life.

Let’s have a bite, shall we?

Click here for printer-friendly version: Israeli Couscous with Spiced Sweet Onions